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The 20K Word Road to Mandarin Proficiency

By B. S. Kamps et al.


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2 Addiction
1 Alcohol Alcohol
1 Drug Alcohol Depend
1 PLoS One

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  1. ANDREACCHI AT, Hobin E, Siddiqi A, Smith BT, et al
    Age, period and cohort effects of heavy episodic drinking by sex/gender and socioeconomic position in Canada, 2000-2021.
    Addiction. 2024;119:2162-2173.
    PubMed         Abstract available

  2. RUSSELL AM, Acuff SF, Kelly JF, Allem JP, et al
    ChatGPT-4: Alcohol use disorder responses.
    Addiction. 2024;119:2205-2210.
    PubMed         Abstract available

    Alcohol Alcohol

  3. DALI G, Logge W, Kranzler HR, Hurzeler T, et al
    Comparative effects of topiramate and naltrexone on neural activity during anticipatory anxiety in individuals with alcohol use disorder.
    Alcohol Alcohol. 2024;60:agae078.
    PubMed         Abstract available

    Drug Alcohol Depend

  4. NAGAR M, Rabinovitz S
    Revisiting the alcohol-aggression link: The impact of alcohol consumption patterns.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;265:112496.
    PubMed         Abstract available

    PLoS One

  5. DONG J, Li Z, Wang C, Zhang R, et al
    Dietary folate intake and all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality in American adults with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Data from NHANES 2003 to 2018.
    PLoS One. 2024;19:e0314148.
    PubMed         Abstract available

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