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Articles published in Drug Alcohol Depend

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    January 2025
  1. ACUFF SF, Strickland JC
    Divergence in cannabis and alcohol use disorder prevalence trends from 2002 to 2019.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2025;266:112521.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  2. DANPANICHKUL P, Duangsonk K, Diaz LA, Chen VL, et al
    The burden of alcohol and substance use disorders in adolescents and young adults.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2025;266:112495.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    December 2024
  3. KIRSCH DE, Grodin EN, Gillis AJ, Miotto K, et al
    Does sex moderate the effects of early life stress on peripheral inflammation in alcohol use disorder? A preliminary investigation.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;265:112474.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  4. PEREZ-GARCIA JM, Suarez-Suarez S, Rodriguez Gonzalez MS, Rodriguez Holguin S, et al
    Neurostructural features predict binge drinking in emerging adulthood: Evidence from a 5-year follow-up study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;265:112489.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  5. Y BERNSTEIN E, Magane KM, Dukes KA, Palfai TP, et al
    Correlates of post-hospitalization naltrexone adherence for alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;265:112470.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    November 2024
  6. NAGAR M, Rabinovitz S
    Revisiting the alcohol-aggression link: The impact of alcohol consumption patterns.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;265:112496.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  7. CAMPBELL-SILLS L, Choi KW, Strizver SD, Kautz JD, et al
    Interactive effects of genetic liability and combat exposure on risk of alcohol use disorder among US service members.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;264:112459.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  8. GAUTIER M, Mange J, De Longueville X, Maurage P, et al
    Is severe alcohol use disorder really associated with increased utilitarian moral judgment? Exploration using the CNI model.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;264:112435.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  9. VICHITKUNAKORN P, Sathirapanya C, Buathong N, Sornsenee P, et al
    Developing web-based interventions for alcohol use screening and alcohol education administered by village health volunteers in the community setting.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;264:112461.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    October 2024
  10. BISWAL B, Bora S, Anand R, Bhatia U, et al
    A systematic review of interventions to enhance initiation of and adherence to treatment for alcohol use disorders.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;263:112429.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  11. DEPUTY NP, Grosse SD, Bertrand J, Danielson ML, et al
    Administratively reported fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in commercially- and Medicaid-insured samples of children in the United States, 2015 - 2021.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;263:112420.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  12. HARDEE JE, Weigard AS, Heitzeg MM, Martz ME, et al
    Sex differences in distributed error-related neural activation in problem-drinking young adults.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;263:112421.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  13. MAY AC, Hendrickson RC, Pagulayan KF, Schindler AG, et al
    An observational cohort study of alcohol use and cognitive difficulties among post-9/11 veterans with and without TBI and PTSD.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;263:112419.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  14. HALLIHAN H, Srimoragot M, Ma J, Hanneke R, et al
    Integrated behavioral interventions for adults with alcohol use disorder: A systematic review.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;263:111406.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    September 2024
  15. WALSH BE, Schlauch RC
    Differential impact of emotional and social loneliness on daily alcohol consumption in individuals with alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;264:112433.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  16. SEAGER MJ, Bolton SL, Bolton JM, Mota NP, et al
    Coping style as a risk factor for future alcohol use disorder: A 16-year longitudinal study in a Canadian military sample.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;262:111408.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  17. WELLS M, Kelly PJ, Robson D, Haynes C, et al
    Systematic review of treatment completion rates and correlates among young people accessing alcohol and other drug treatment.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;262:111376.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    August 2024
  18. ULFSDOTTER GUNNARSSON K, Henriksson M, McCambridge J, Bendtsen M, et al
    Effects of a waiting list control design on alcohol consumption among online help-seekers: A randomised controlled trial.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;263:112409.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  19. RICH JJ, Back SE, Bui TC, Bernstein EY, et al
    Trends in marijuana and heavy alcohol use by cigarette smoking status among US adults: An analysis of the 2002-2019 NSDUH.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;261:111355.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    July 2024
  20. SALGUERO A, Marengo L, Cendan CM, Moron I, et al
    Ethanol drinking at adulthood is sensitive to S1-R antagonism and is promoted by binge ethanol self-administration at adolescence.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;260:111338.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  21. STICKLEY A, Shirama A, Sumiyoshi T
    Psychotic-like experiences and problem drinking among adults in Japan.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;260:111319.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  22. HAENY AM, Schick MR, McKenley C, Chowdhary A, et al
    Evidence that personalized racial stress procedures elicit a stress response and increases alcohol craving among Black adults with alcohol use disorder: A laboratory pilot study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;260:111312.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    May 2024
  23. LANGE S, Llamosas-Falcon L, Kim KV, Lasserre AM, et al
    A dose-response meta-analysis on the relationship between average amount of alcohol consumed and death by suicide.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;260:111348.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  24. TIMKO C, Macia K, Lewis M, Lor MC, et al
    Medical-surgical patients with untreated hazardous drinking: Randomized controlled trial of the DO-MoST intervention to improve health outcomes over 12-month follow-up.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;258:111259.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    April 2024
  25. TSCHARKE B, Livingston M, O'Brien JW, Bade R, et al
    Seven-years of alcohol consumption in Australia by wastewater analysis: Exploring patterns by remoteness and socioeconomic factors.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;259:111317.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  26. HALLGREN M, Moller EB, Andreasson S, Dunstan DW, et al
    Associations of device-measured and self-reported physical activity with alcohol consumption: Secondary analyses of a randomized controlled trial (FitForChange).
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;259:111315.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  27. RANINEN J, Karlsson P, Callinan S, Norstrom T, et al
    Different measures of alcohol use as predictors of DSM-5 alcohol use disorder among adolescents - A cohort study from Sweden.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;257:111265.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  28. KIRKLAND AE, Green R, Browning BD, Aghamoosa S, et al
    Multi-modal neuroimaging reveals differences in alcohol-cue reactivity but not neurometabolite concentrations in adolescents who drink alcohol.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;257:111254.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  29. ZHANG H, Ruan WJ, Chou SP, Saha TD, et al
    Exploring patterns of alcohol use and alcohol use disorder among Asian Americans with a finer lens.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;257:111120.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    March 2024
  30. KIRSCH DE, Ray LA, Wassum KM, Grodin EN, et al
    Anterior cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex alcohol cue reactivity varies as a function of drink preference in alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;256:111123.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  31. INGESSON-HAMMARBERG S, Molander O, Hammarberg A
    Clinical cutoffs of the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test for identification of DSM-5 alcohol use disorder: A psychometric evaluation in treatment-seeking patients.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;256:111115.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  32. RUNG JM, Berey BL, Leeman RF
    Initial evidence of delay discounting's predictive utility for alcohol self-administration in ecologically valid contexts among young adults who drink heavily.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;256:111068.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  33. EVANS-POLCE RJ, Maggs JL, Lanza ST, Patrick ME, et al
    Negative consequences associated with daily alcohol use as a nonlinear function of number of drinks in a daily diary study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;256:111089.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    February 2024
  34. MATHES WINNICKI BM, Lee DJ, Hawn SE, Livingston NA, et al
    Alcohol consumption and dependence risk among male and female Veterans: Trajectories and predictors.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;257:111138.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  35. CERIONI A, Buratti E, Mietti G, Ribeiro ILA, et al
    Comparative analysis between CDT in serum and Ethyl glucuronide in hair to define the best reliable tool for the diagnosis of alcohol abuse.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;257:111128.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  36. BROBBIN E, Deluca P, Coulton S, Parkin S, et al
    Comparison of transdermal alcohol concentration and self-reported alcohol consumption in people with alcohol dependence attending community alcohol treatment services.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;256:111122.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  37. OZEL F, Di Criscio M, Lupu DI, Sarkisyan D, et al
    DNA methylation at DLGAP2 and risk for relapse in alcohol dependence during acamprosate treatment.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;256:111116.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  38. DURAZZO TC, Stephens LH, Kraybill EP, May AC, et al
    Regional cortical brain volumes at treatment entry relates to post treatment WHO risk drinking levels in those with alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;255:111082.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  39. MIRANDA O, Fan P, Qi X, Wang H, et al
    Prediction of adverse events risk in patients with comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol use disorder using electronic medical records by deep learning models.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024;255:111066.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  40. KEYES KM, Mauro PM
    Measuring progress in publishing scholarship in Drug and Alcohol Dependence on race, ethnicity, and health equity in substance use disorder incidence and outcomes.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2024 Feb 1:111111. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2024.111111.

    December 2023
  41. NEGRE F, Lemercier-Dugarin M, Kahn-Lewin C, Gomet R, et al
    Virtual reality efficiency as exposure therapy for alcohol use: A systematic literature review.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;253:111027.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  42. MORRIS J, Boness CL, Burton R
    (Mis)understanding alcohol use disorder: Making the case for a public health first approach.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;253:111019.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    November 2023
  43. NOVO-VELEIRO I, Mateos-Diaz AM, Roson-Hernandez B, Medina-Garcia JA, et al
    Treatment variability and its relationships to outcomes among patients with Wernicke's encephalopathy: A multicenter retrospective study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;252:110961.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    October 2023
  44. EMERT MB, Giano Z
    A comparison of alcohol and commercial tobacco use in populous American Indian/Alaska Native states.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;251:110941.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  45. CHAKRAVORTY S, Kember RL, Mazzotti DR, Dashti HS, et al
    The relationship between alcohol- and sleep-related traits: Results from polygenic risk score and Mendelian randomization analyses.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;251:110912.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    September 2023
  46. OHTANI Y, Asano K, Ueno F, Den R, et al
    New-onset addictions in patients with alcohol dependence: A cross-sectional study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;252:110966.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  47. BARKER B, Min JE, Homayra F, Piske M, et al
    Opioid agonist therapy and mortality among First Nations and other residents with concurrent alcohol use disorder in British Columbia, Canada: A population-based cohort study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;250:110908.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    August 2023
  48. WADDELL JT, Corbin WR, Grimm KJ, Metrik J, et al
    Dynamic relations among simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use, subjective responses, and problem drinking during naturally occurring drinking episodes.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;249:110837.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  49. WANG Z, Huang S, Li L, Wen Y, et al
    Kynurenine metabolite changes in individuals with alcohol use disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;249:110821.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  50. ROSENSTROM TH, Torvik FA
    Social anxiety disorder is a risk factor for alcohol use problems in the National Comorbidity Surveys.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;249:109945.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    July 2023
  51. KARPYAK VM, Coombes BJ, Geske JR, Pazdernik VM, et al
    Corrigendum to "Genetic predisposition to major depressive disorder differentially impacts alcohol consumption and high-risk drinking situations in men and women with alcohol use disorder" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 243 (2023) 109753].
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023 Jul 11:110888. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2023.110888.

  52. SCHWARTZ A, Meschke LL, Tree JJ, Brown K, et al
    Beating trauma: Physical activity to promote resilience against substance use.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;248:109942.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  53. WALLHED FINN S, Mejldal A, Nielsen AS
    The impact of an annual mass media campaign on treatment seeking for alcohol use disorders in the Danish population: An interrupted time-series analysis.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;248:109910.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  54. KIDD JD, Kaczmarkiewicz R, Kreski NT, Jackman K, et al
    A qualitative study of alcohol use disorder psychotherapies for transgender and nonbinary individuals: Opportunities for cultural adaptation.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;248:109913.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  55. ZENG J, You L, Sheng H, Luo Y, et al
    The differential neural substrates for reward choice under gain-loss contexts and risk in alcohol use disorder: Evidence from a voxel-based meta-analysis.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;248:109912.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  56. ALLEN HC, Fillmore MT
    Cognitive preoccupation with drinking and behavioral effects of alcohol as predictors of current consumption patterns.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;248:109899.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  57. LINDEN-CARMICHAEL AN, Chiang SC, Miller SE, Mogle J, et al
    A latent profile analysis of blackout drinking behavior among young adults.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;248:109905.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  58. WANG FL, Hicks BM, Zhou H, Kranzler HR, et al
    Polygenic risk score for problematic alcohol use predicts heavy drinking and alcohol use disorder symptoms in young adulthood after accounting for adolescent alcohol use and parental alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;248:109909.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  59. PINEDO M, Castro Y, Gilbert PA, Caetano R, et al
    Improving assessment of alcohol treatment barriers among Latino and White adults with an alcohol use disorder: Development of the barriers to specialty alcohol treatment scale.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;248:109895.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  60. DURAZZO TC, McNerney MW, Hansen AM, Gu M, et al
    BDNF rs6265 Met carriers with alcohol use disorder show greater age-related decline of N-acetylaspartate in left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;248:109901.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    May 2023
  61. KONSTANTAKOPOULOS G, Trova A, Tzavellas E, Stefanatou P, et al
    Development and validation of the Schedule for the Assessment of Insight in Alcohol Dependence (SAI-AD): Dimensions and correlates of insight in alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;248:109917.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  62. SUFFOLETTO B, Chung T
    Desire to get drunk partially mediates effects of a combined text message-based alcohol intervention for young adults.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;246:109848.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  63. HURLOCKER MC, Carlon H, Pearson MR, Hijaz D, et al
    Trajectories of change in subclinical anxiety and alcohol use during alcohol treatment: A parallel process growth model.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;246:109838.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  64. MIELE AS, Fleury MJ, Zeluff H, Mendieta A, et al
    Driven by need, shaped by access: Heterogeneity in patient profiles and patterns of service utilization in patients with alcohol use disorders.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;246:109825.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    April 2023
  65. VISONTAY R, Mewton L, Sunderland M, Bell S, et al
    A comprehensive evaluation of the longitudinal association between alcohol consumption and a measure of inflammation: Multiverse and vibration of effects analyses.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;247:109886.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  66. HERNANDEZ-RUBIO A, Sanvisens A, Barbier-Torres L, Blanes R, et al
    Associations of hypomagnesemia in patients seeking a first treatment of alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;245:109822.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  67. MOORE CF, Zamarripa CA, Weerts EM
    Oral Cannabidiol does not alter Alcohol Seeking and Self-Administration in Baboons.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;245:109829.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  68. JACK HE, Oliver MM, Berger DB, Bobb JF, et al
    Association between clinical measures of unhealthy alcohol use and subsequent year hospital admissions in a primary care population.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;245:109821.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  69. FAROKHNIA M, Wang T, Jourdan T, Godlewski G, et al
    A human laboratory study on the link between alcohol administration and circulating fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) in individuals with alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;245:109809.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    March 2023
  70. NA PJ, Montalvo-Ortiz J, Petrakis I, Krystal JH, et al
    Trajectories of alcohol consumption in U.S. military veterans: Results from a 10-year population-based longitudinal study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;246:109833.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    February 2023
  71. WATERS AJ, Schoenmakers TM, Snelleman M, Szeto EH, et al
    Corrigendum to "Affect, motivation, temptation, and drinking among alcohol-dependent outpatients trying to maintain abstinence: An Ecological Momentary Assessment study" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 206 (2020) 107626].
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023 Feb 6:109785. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2023.109785.

  72. MCCABE CJ, Brumback T, Brown SA, Meruelo AD, et al
    Assessing cross-lagged associations between depression, anxiety, and binge drinking in the National Consortium on Alcohol and Neurodevelopment in Adolescence (NCANDA) study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;243:109761.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  73. KIRK-PROVENCHER KT, Penner AE, McRae K, Gowin JL, et al
    Emotion regulation in young adults with family history of harmful alcohol use: A fMRI study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;243:109752.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  74. PAREEK T, Overton JS, Nguyen LT, Rahman MT, et al
    Modeling cue-exposure therapy for alcohol use disorder in rhesus monkeys: Effects of putative cognitive enhancers.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;243:109735.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  75. LEYVA LR, Salguero A, Virgolini MB, Romero VL, et al
    Binge eating promotes ethanol self-administration in female rats with a history of intermittent ethanol exposure at adolescence.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;243:109737.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    January 2023
  76. HAHN JA, Fatch R, Emenyonu NI, Sanyu N, et al
    Effect of two counseling interventions on self-reported alcohol consumption, alcohol biomarker phosphatidylethanol (PEth), and viral suppression among persons living with HIV (PWH) with unhealthy alcohol use in Uganda: A randomized controlled trial.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;244:109783.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  77. HO AM, Pozsonyiova S, Waller TC, Song Y, et al
    Associations of sex-related steroid hormones and proteins with alcohol dependence: A United Kingdom Biobank study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;244:109781.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  78. KONSTANTELOS N, Tourchian N, McCormack D, Lecce P, et al
    Impact of policy changes and drug shortages on acamprosate and naltrexone use in Ontario, Canada.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;242:109705.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  79. LINN BK, Zhao J, Stasiewicz PR, LaBarre C, et al
    Relationship of negative emotionality, NIAAA recovery, and 3- and 6-month drinking outcomes among adults in treatment for alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;242:109695.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    December 2022
  80. KARPYAK VM, Coombes BJ, Geske JR, Pazdernik VM, et al
    Genetic predisposition to major depressive disorder differentially impacts alcohol consumption and high-risk drinking situations in men and women with alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;243:109753.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  81. AXINN WG, Banchoff E, Cole F, Ghimire DJ, et al
    The transition to parenthood, opportunity to drink, drinking, and alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;241:109697.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  82. ACHESON LS, Ezard N, Lintzeris N, Dunlop A, et al
    Lisdexamfetamine for the treatment of acute methamphetamine withdrawal: A pilot feasibility and safety trial.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;241:109692.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  83. KARNICK AT, Buerke M, Caulfied N, Trussell D, et al
    Alcohol use in firefighters: A network model of behaviors and transdiagnostic risk.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;241:109677.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  84. WYCOFF AM, Motschman CA, Griffin SA, Freeman LK, et al
    Momentary subjective responses to alcohol as predictors of continuing to drink during daily-life drinking episodes.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;241:109675.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  85. HASSELGARD-ROWE J, Senchyna A, Broers B, Haller DM, et al
    Heterogeneity of definitions and measurements of binge drinking in research on adolescents and young adults.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;241:109650.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    November 2022
  86. CHUNG T, Sartor C, Hipwell AE, Grosso A, et al
    Person-centered patterns of substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic and their associations with COVID-related impacts on health and personal finances in young Black and White women.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;240:109620.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    October 2022
  87. ECHEVESTE SANCHEZ M, Quadir SG, Whindleton CM, Hoffman JL, et al
    The effects of electronic nicotine vapor on voluntary alcohol consumption in female and male C57BL/6 J mice.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;241:109676.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  88. CHEN PH, Yenokyan K, Fojo AT, Hutton HE, et al
    Alcohol consumption upon direct-acting antiviral therapy for hepatitis C among persons with human immunodeficiency virus in the United States.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;241:109673.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  89. MATTLE AG, McGrath P, Sanu A, Kunadharaju R, et al
    Gabapentin to treat acute alcohol withdrawal in hospitalized patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;241:109671.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  90. GAREL N, McAnulty C, Greenway KT, Lesperance P, et al
    Efficacy of ketamine intervention to decrease alcohol use, cravings, and withdrawal symptoms in adults with problematic alcohol use or alcohol use disorder: A systematic review and comprehensive analysis of mechanism of actions.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;239:109606.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  91. PAPINI S, Chi FW, Schuler A, Satre DD, et al
    Comparing the effectiveness of a brief intervention to reduce unhealthy alcohol use among adult primary care patients with and without depression: A machine learning approach with augmented inverse probability weighting.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;239:109607.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  92. ADZRAGO D, Obekpa EO, Suragh TA, John ER, et al
    Kratom use categories and their associations with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorder symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;239:109605.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  93. BERGE LI, Gjestad R, Franck J, Javaras KN, et al
    Gender specific early treatment for women with alcohol addiction (EWA): Impact on work related outcomes. A 25-year registry follow-up of a randomized controlled trial (RCT).
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;239:109600.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  94. WELFORD P, Gunillasdotter V, Andreasson S, Hallgren M, et al
    Effects of physical activity on symptoms of depression and anxiety in adults with alcohol use disorder (FitForChange): Secondary outcomes of a randomised controlled trial.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;239:109601.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  95. HOWLETT N, Garcia-Iglesias J, Bontoft C, Breslin G, et al
    A systematic review and behaviour change technique analysis of remotely delivered alcohol and/or substance misuse interventions for adults.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;239:109597.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    September 2022
  96. GARFIELD JBB, Piccoli LR, Whelan D, Staiger PK, et al
    The effect of approach bias modification during alcohol withdrawal treatment on craving, and its relationship to post-treatment alcohol use in a randomised controlled trial.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;239:109621.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  97. CRUM RM, Green KM, Amin-Esmaeili M, Susukida R, et al
    The role of mood disorders in the progression of and recovery from alcohol and drug use problems: A latent transition analysis.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;238:109566.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  98. ISLAM S, Kaner E, Price-Wolf J, Grube JW, et al
    Disentangling the physical, social, and situational contexts of young adolescents' initiation to alcohol use and intoxication: A mixed methods study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;238:109572.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  99. CUCCIARE MA, Han X, Timko C
    Predictors of alcohol use disorder treatment outcomes over 12 months: Role of concerned others' functioning and Al-Anon participation.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;238:109546.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  100. ZHANG R, Tomasi D, Shokri-Kojori E, Manza P, et al
    Effect of detoxification on N3 sleep correlates with brain functional but not structural changes in alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;238:109545.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    August 2022
  101. WOO KN, Kim K, Ko DS, Kim HW, et al
    Corrigendum to "Alcohol consumption on unprovoked seizure and epilepsy: An updated meta-analysis" Drug Alcohol Depend. 232 (2022) 109305.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022 Aug 3:109592. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2022.109592.

  102. LYNCH KE, Livingston NA, Gatsby E, Shipherd JC, et al
    Alcohol-attributable deaths and years of potential life lost due to alcohol among veterans: Overall and between persons with minoritized and non-minoritized sexual orientations.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;237:109534.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    July 2022
  103. WADDELL JT, King SE, Corbin WR
    Dynamic longitudinal relations among solitary drinking, coping motives, & alcohol problems during emerging adulthood.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;238:109576.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  104. CRESWELL KG, Terry-McElrath YM, Patrick ME
    Solitary alcohol use in adolescence predicts alcohol problems in adulthood: A 17-year longitudinal study in a large national sample of US high school students.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022 Jul 8:109552. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2022.109552.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  105. NIETO SJ, Venegas A, Hudson J, Ray LA, et al
    Cannabis use and subjective response to alcohol in the human laboratory.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;236:109481.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  106. GOLDMAN-MELLOR S, Olfson M, Schoenbaum M
    Acute injury mortality and all-cause mortality following emergency department presentation for alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;236:109472.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  107. EZQUER F, Quintanilla ME, Morales P, Santapau D, et al
    A dual treatment blocks alcohol binge-drinking relapse: Microbiota as a new player.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;236:109466.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    June 2022
  108. AIKEN A, Chan G, Yuen WS, Clare PJ, et al
    Trajectories of parental and peer supply of alcohol in adolescence and associations with later alcohol consumption and harms: A prospective cohort study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;237:109533.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  109. SCHULER MS, Wong EC, Ramchand R
    Military service branch differences in alcohol use, tobacco use, prescription drug misuse, and mental health conditions.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;235:109461.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  110. MURRAY L, Welsh JC, Johnson CG, Kaiser RH, et al
    Alcohol- and non-alcohol-related interference: An fMRI study of treatment-seeking adults with alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;235:109462.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  111. SMITH JJ, Spanakis P, Gribble R, Stevelink SAM, et al
    Prevalence of at-risk drinking recognition: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;235:109449.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  112. CHI FW, Parthasarathy S, Palzes VA, Kline-Simon AH, et al
    Alcohol brief intervention, specialty treatment and drinking outcomes at 12 months: Results from a systematic alcohol screening and brief intervention initiative in adult primary care.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;235:109458.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  113. MULLER-OEHRING EM, Schulte T, Pfefferbaum A, Sullivan EV, et al
    Disruption of cerebellar-cortical functional connectivity predicts balance instability in alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;235:109435.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    May 2022
  114. SCHICK MR, Tomko RL, Maralit AM, Afzal Z, et al
    Gender parity and homophily in the Drug and Alcohol Dependence editorial process.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;236:109493.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  115. STICKLEY A, Shirama A, Inagawa T, Sumiyoshi T, et al
    Binge drinking in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic: Prevalence, correlates and association with preventive behaviors.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;234:109415.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  116. BOUNTRESS KE, Brick LA, Sheerin C, Grotzinger A, et al
    Alcohol use and alcohol use disorder differ in their genetic relationships with PTSD: A genomic structural equation modelling approach.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;234:109430.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  117. SALVATORE JE, Aggen SH, Kendler KS
    Role of parental divorce and discord in the intergenerational transmission of alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;234:109404.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    April 2022
  118. ORTOLA R, Garcia-Esquinas E, Carballo-Casla A, Sotos-Prieto M, et al
    Alcohol consumption patterns and unhealthy aging among older lifetime drinkers from Spain.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;235:109444.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  119. NICHOLAS CR, Wang JB, Coker A, Mitchell JM, et al
    The effects of MDMA-assisted therapy on alcohol and substance use in a phase 3 trial for treatment of severe PTSD.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;233:109356.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  120. BANDOLI G, Kable JA, Coles CD, Del Campo M, et al
    Trajectories of prenatal alcohol exposure and behavioral outcomes: Findings from a community-based sample.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;233:109351.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  121. BRUMMER J, Bloomfield K, Karriker-Jaffe KJ, Hesse M, et al
    Hazardous drinking and violence-related hospitalizations in the Danish general population: A historical cohort study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;233:109338.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  122. DEMARTINI KS, Gueorguieva R, Taylor JR, Krishnan-Sarin S, et al
    Dynamic structural equation modeling of the relationship between alcohol habit and drinking variability.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;233:109202.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    March 2022
  123. MARZAN M, Callinan S, Livingston M, Jiang H, et al
    Alcohol consumption, heavy episodic drinking and the perpetration of antisocial behaviours in Australia.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;235:109432.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  124. GUY AA, Zelaya DG, Surace A, Mastroleo NR, et al
    Discrimination and alcohol problems among heavy drinking HIV-positive men who have sex with men: The buffering effect of a brief Motivational Intervention to reduce alcohol use.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;233:109384.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  125. STAMATES AL, Lau-Barraco C, Braitman AL
    Daily impulsivity is associated with alcohol use and problems via coping motives, but not enhancement motives.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;232:109333.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  126. DUKO B, Pereira G, Tait RJ, Bedaso A, et al
    Prenatal alcohol exposure and offspring subsequent alcohol use: A systematic review.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;232:109324.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  127. TANNER D, Minley K, Snider K, Hartwell M, et al
    Alcohol use disorder: An analysis of the evidence underpinning clinical practice guidelines.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;232:109287.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    The enduring behavioral and neurobiological effects of a flavor cue paired with alcohol drinking during adolescence on the incentive properties of the flavor cue in adulthood in female alcohol-preferring (P) rats.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;232:109289.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  129. VOTAW VR, Mann K, Kranzler HR, Roos CR, et al
    Examining a brief measure and observed cutoff scores to identify reward and relief drinking profiles: Psychometric properties and pharmacotherapy response.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;232:109257.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  130. FERNANDEZ-RODRIGUEZ S, Cano-Cebrian MJ, Rius-Perez S, Perez S, et al
    Different brain oxidative and neuroinflammation status in rats during prolonged abstinence depending on their ethanol relapse-like drinking behavior: Effects of ethanol reintroduction.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;232:109284.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  131. GUNILLASDOTTER V, Andreasson S, Jirwe M, Ekblom O, et al
    Effects of exercise in non-treatment seeking adults with alcohol use disorder: A three-armed randomized controlled trial (FitForChange).
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;232:109266.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    February 2022
  132. ABASSA KK, Xiao XP, Zhou HX, Wu XY, et al
    FcGBP and VCAM-1 are ponderable biomarkers for differential diagnosis of alcoholic liver cirrhosis.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;233:109377.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  133. HASHIMOTO N, Habu H, Takao S, Sakamoto S, et al
    Clinical moderators of response to nalmefene in a randomized-controlled trial for alcohol dependence: An exploratory analysis.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;233:109365.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  134. THOR S, Hemmingsson T, Danielsson AK, Landberg J, et al
    Fathers' alcohol consumption and risk of substance-related disorders in offspring.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;233:109354.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  135. MANGOT-SALA L, Tran KA, Smidt N, Liefbroer AC, et al
    The impact of the COVID lockdown on alcohol consumption in the Netherlands. The role of living arrangements and social isolation.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;233:109349.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  136. MEANLEY S, Choi SK, Thompson AB, Meyers JL, et al
    Short-term binge drinking, marijuana, and recreational drug use trajectories in a prospective cohort of people living with HIV at the start of COVID-19 mitigation efforts in the United States.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;231:109233.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  137. MARTINS JS, Fogelman N, Wemm S, Hwang S, et al
    Alcohol craving and withdrawal at treatment entry prospectively predict alcohol use outcomes during outpatient treatment.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;231:109253.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  138. LE TM, Malone T, Li CR
    Positive alcohol expectancy and resting-state functional connectivity of the insula in problem drinking.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;231:109248.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  139. LEWIS B, Garcia CC, Price JL, Schweizer S, et al
    Cognitive training in recently-abstinent individuals with alcohol use disorder improves emotional stroop performance: Evidence from a randomized pilot trial.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;231:109239.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  140. PANZA KE, Kline AC, Na PJ, Potenza MN, et al
    Epidemiology of DSM-5 alcohol use disorder in U.S. military veterans: Results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;231:109240.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  141. HAYES CJ, Krebs EE, Brown J, Li C, et al
    Impact of transitioning from long-term to intermittent opioid therapy on the development of opioid-related adverse outcomes: A retrospective cohort study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;231:109236.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    January 2022
  142. WOO KN, Kim K, Ko DS, Kim HW, et al
    Alcohol consumption on unprovoked seizure and epilepsy: An updated meta-analysis.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;232:109305.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  143. BURDZOVIC ANDREAS J, Torvik FA, Lund IO
    Parental binge drinking and offspring's high school non-completion: A prospective HUNT survey and educational registry study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;230:109189.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  144. LIN LA, Bonar EE, Zhang L, Girard R, et al
    Alcohol-involved overdose deaths in US veterans.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;230:109196.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  145. BAE SJ, Kim E, Lee JH
    Validation of the screening test for at-risk drinking in an emergency department using a tablet computer.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2022;230:109181.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    December 2021
  146. WONDERLICH JA, Molina BSG, Pedersen SL
    Trajectories of state impulsivity domains before and after alcohol consumption in the naturalistic environment.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;231:109234.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  147. GILBERT PA, Soweid L, Kersten SK, Brown G, et al
    Maintaining recovery from alcohol use disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic: The importance of recovery capital.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;229.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  148. INOUE S, Chitambi C, Vinikoor MJ, Kanguya T, et al
    Testing the validity of the AUDIT-C and AUDIT-3 to detect unhealthy alcohol use among high-risk populations in Zambia: A secondary analysis from two randomized trials.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;229.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  149. DAVY-MENDEZ T, Sarovar V, Levine-Hall T, Lea AN, et al
    Treatment for alcohol use disorder among persons with and without HIV in a clinical care setting in the United States.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;229.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  150. HUNG HY, Chien WC, Chung CH, Kao LT, et al
    Patients with alcohol use disorder increase pain and analgesics use: A nationwide population-based cohort study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;229.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  151. SLADE T, Mewton L, O'Dean S, Tibbetts J, et al
    DSM-5 and ICD-11 alcohol use disorder criteria in young adult regular drinkers: Lifetime prevalence and age of onset.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;229.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  152. HILDE P, Ingeborg R, Anne B
    Are short AUDIT screeners effective in identifying unhealthy drinking of varying severity? A prison population study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;229.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  153. DEGENHARDT L, Bharat C, Chiu WT, Harris MG, et al
    Perceived helpfulness of treatment for alcohol use disorders: Findings from the World Mental Health Surveys.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;229.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  154. BYE EK, Rossow I
    Heavy drinkers and the contexts of drinking among adults in Norway.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;229.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  155. GUTKIND S, Fink DS, Shmulewitz D, Stohl M, et al
    Psychosocial and health problems associated with alcohol use disorder and cannabis use disorder in U.S. adults.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;229.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    November 2021
  156. NOVO-VELEIRO I, Herrera-Flores J, Roson-Hernandez B, Medina-Garcia JA, et al
    Alcoholic Liver Disease Among Patients with Wernicke Encephalopathy: A Multicenter Observational Study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;230:109186.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  157. ZHENG Q, Chan GCK, Wang Z, Connor JP, et al
    Assessing alcohol consumption in a Chinese urban population and a university town using high temporal resolution wastewater-based epidemiology.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;230:109178.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  158. KARILA L, Roussot A, Mariet AS, Benyamina A, et al
    Effects of the 2020 health crisis on acute alcohol intoxication: A nationwide retrospective observational study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:109062.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  159. PORPIGLIA NM, Bortolotti F, Micciolo R, Canal L, et al
    CDT vs. GGT for the certification of the fitness to hold the driving license. A comparison based on the association of incremented values with the occurrence of alcohol-related road traffic accidents.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:109088.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  160. WEISS NH, Hogan J, Brem M, Massa AA, et al
    Advancing our understanding of the intersection between emotion regulation and alcohol and drug use problems: Dyadic analysis in couples with intimate partner violence and alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:109066.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  161. FAMA R, Le Berre AP, Sassoon SA, Zahr NM, et al
    Memory impairment in alcohol use disorder is associated with regional frontal brain volumes.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:109058.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  162. BORGES G, Benjet C, Orozco R, Medina-Mora ME, et al
    Traumatic life-events and alcohol and drug use disorders among Mexican adolescents: Bidirectional associations over 8 years.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:109051.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  163. CHIU WC, Shan JC, Yang YH, Chen VC, et al
    Statins and the risks of decompensated liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma determined in patients with alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:109096.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  164. HAI AH, Lee CS, John R, Vaughn MG, et al
    Debunking the myth of low behavioral risk among Asian Americans: The case of alcohol use.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:109059.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  165. MAISTO SA, Hallgren KA, Swan JE, Roos C, et al
    Within-AUD outpatient treatment heavy drinking transitions and associations with long-term outcomes.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:108968.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  166. VIJAPUR SM, Levy NS, Martins SS
    Cannabis use outcomes by past-month binge drinking status in the general United States population.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:108997.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  167. FLEMING MN, Wycoff AM, Hepp J, Griffin SA, et al
    A daily-life study of interpersonal stressors and alcohol use in individuals with borderline personality disorder and community controls.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:109021.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  168. FINE SL, Kane JC, Murray SM, Skavenski S, et al
    Moderator effects in a randomized controlled trial of the Common Elements Treatment Approach (CETA) for intimate partner violence and hazardous alcohol use in Zambia.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:108995.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  169. DONAT M, Barrio G, Pulido J, Perez C, et al
    The limits of measuring binge drinking prevalence for epidemiological surveillance: An example from Spain.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:109022.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  170. TIMKO C, Rossi FS, Grant KM, Lor MC, et al
    Concerned others' help utilization and patients' alcohol treatment outcomes.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:108983.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  171. GAZIBARA T, Thygesen LC, Holst Algren M, Schurmann Tolstrup J, et al
    Alcohol drinking patterns and occurrence of genital warts among Danish adolescents.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:109027.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    October 2021
  172. MANCA F, Lewsey J
    Hospital discharge location and socioeconomic deprivation as risk factors for alcohol dependence relapses: A cohort study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;229.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  173. LIU Y, Huang L, Wang Z, Chen J, et al
    The changes in retinal nerve fiber layer and macular thickness in Chinese patients with alcohol dependency.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;229.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  174. GAN Y, Feng J, Zhu Y, Li L, et al
    Association between alcohol consumption and the risk of stroke in middle-aged and older adults in China.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;229.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  175. YEUNG EW, Spychala KM, Miller AP, Otto JM, et al
    Effects of genetic risk for alcohol dependence and onset of regular drinking on the progression to alcohol dependence: A polygenic risk score approach.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;230:109117.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  176. SYNOWSKI J, Weiss HA, Velleman R, Patel V, et al
    A lay-counsellor delivered brief psychological treatment for men with comorbid Alcohol Use Disorder and depression in primary care: Secondary analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;227:108961.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  177. JOHNSON JE, Schonbrun YC, Anderson B, Timko C, et al
    Randomized controlled trial of twelve-step volunteer linkage for women with alcohol use disorder leaving jail.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;227:109014.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  178. MORALES AM, Stark NA, Nagel BJ
    Ventral striatal resting-state functional connectivity in adolescents is associated with earlier onset of binge drinking.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;227:109010.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  179. MAY PA, Hasken JM, Hooper SR, Hedrick DM, et al
    Estimating the community prevalence, child traits, and maternal risk factors of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) from a random sample of school children.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;227:108918.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  180. TONG TT, Vaidya JG, Kramer JR, Kuperman S, et al
    Impact of binge drinking during college on resting state functional connectivity.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;227:108935.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  181. WALLHED FINN S, Lundin A, Sjoqvist H, Danielsson AK, et al
    Pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorders - Unequal provision across sociodemographic factors and co-morbid conditions. A cohort study of the total population in Sweden.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;227:108964.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  182. PHINYO P, Ungrungseesopon N, Namsongwong N, Visavakul O, et al
    Pre-screening Ability of the Functional-Belief-Based Alcohol Use Questionnaire (FBAQ) among Chiang Mai University Undergraduates: An External Validation Study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;227:109002.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  183. PABST A, Peyroux E, Gautier M, de Timary P, et al
    Social perception and knowledge impairments in severe alcohol use disorder: Group and individual-level findings.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;227:109009.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  184. CUNNINGHAM JA, Godinho A
    Recruitment methods may influence prevalence estimates of people identifying as being in recovery from hazardous alcohol use.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;227:108960.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    September 2021
  185. RICHARDS DK, Pearson MR, Hallgren KA, Heather N, et al
    An application of moderated nonlinear factor analysis to develop a commensurate measure of alcohol problems across four alcohol treatment studies.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;229.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  186. MA YJ, Wang YY, Liu MQ, Fang T, et al
    Reliability and validity of DSM-IV and DSM-5 methamphetamine use disorder diagnoses using the Chinese Version of the Semi-Structured Assessment for Drug Dependence and Alcoholism (SSADDA).
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;229.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  187. PERAZA N, Bello MS, Schiff SJ, Cho J, et al
    Drug and alcohol dependence acute effects of pod-style e-cigarettes in vaping-naive smokers.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:109083.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  188. LEVY S, Wisk LE, Chadi N, Lunstead J, et al
    Validation of a single question for the assessment of past three-month alcohol consumption among adolescents.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:109026.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  189. HEN-HERBST L, Tenenbaum A, Senecky Y, Berger A, et al
    Pregnant women's alcohol consumption and knowledge about its risks: An Israeli survey.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:109023.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  190. LOY JK, Seitz NN, Bye EK, Raitasalo K, et al
    Trends in alcohol consumption among adolescents in Europe: Do changes occur in concert?
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;228:109020.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  191. KIM J, Taggar A, Quilty LC, Selby P, et al
    A measure of illness awareness in alcohol use disorder-Alcohol Use Awareness and Insight Scale (AAS).
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;226:108813.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  192. BEHRENDT S, Kuerbis A, Becker U, Mejldal A, et al
    Distinct health-related risk profiles among middle-aged and older adults with risky alcohol use from the Danish general population.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;226:108872.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  193. JAGER J, Keyes KM, Son D, Kloska D, et al
    Cohort and age trends in age 35-45 prevalence of alcohol use disorder symptomology, by severity, sex, race, and education.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;226:108820.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  194. GREENWOOD CJ, Youssef GJ, Fuller-Tyszkiewicz M, Letcher P, et al
    Psychosocial predictors of binge-drinking residual harm in adolescence and young adulthood: Findings from the Australian Temperament Project.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;226:108864.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  195. MINTZ CM, Presnall NJ, Xu KY, Hartz SM, et al
    An examination between treatment type and treatment retention in persons with opioid and co-occurring alcohol use disorders.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;226:108886.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  196. HAQUE MZ, Young SW, Wang Y, Harris S, et al
    Socio-demographic factors related to binge drinking in Ontario.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;226:108810.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  197. COVARRUBIAS J, Grigorian A, Nahmias J, Chin TL, et al
    Vices-paradox in trauma: Positive alcohol and drug screens associated with decreased mortality.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;226:108866.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  198. BUTELMAN ER, Chen CY, Brown KG, Lake KJ, et al
    Age of onset of heaviest use of cannabis or alcohol in persons with severe opioid or cocaine use disorders.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;226:108834.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  199. IRIZAR P, Puddephatt JA, Gage SH, Fallon V, et al
    The prevalence of hazardous and harmful alcohol use across trauma-exposed occupations: A meta-analysis and meta-regression.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;226:108858.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    August 2021
  200. GEUSENS F, Beullens K
    Perceptions surpass reality: Self-reported alcohol-related communication on Instagram is more strongly related with frequency of alcohol consumption and binge drinking than actual alcohol-related communication.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;227:109004.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  201. NA PJ, Norman SB, Nichter B, Hill ML, et al
    Prevalence, risk and protective factors of alcohol use disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic in U.S. military veterans.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;225:108818.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  202. KAR P, Tomfohr-Madsen L, Giesbrecht G, Bagshawe M, et al
    Alcohol and substance use in pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;225:108760.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  203. BOLLEN Z, Pabst A, Masson N, Billaux P, et al
    Alcohol-related attentional biases in recently detoxified inpatients with severe alcohol use disorder: an eye-tracking approach.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;225:108803.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  204. SZCZYPINSKI J, Jakubczyk A, Kopera M, Trucco E, et al
    Impulsivity Scale-12 and its utilization in alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;225:108809.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  205. GRODIN EN, Burnette EM, Green R, Lim AC, et al
    Combined varenicline and naltrexone attenuates alcohol cue-elicited activation in heavy drinking smokers.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;225:108825.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  206. BAUMGARTNER C, Schaub MP, Wenger A, Malischnig D, et al
    "Take Care of You" - Efficacy of integrated, minimal-guidance, internet-based self-help for reducing co-occurring alcohol misuse and depression symptoms in adults: Results of a three-arm randomized controlled trial.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;225:108806.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  207. HOGGATT KJ, Harris AHS, Washington DL, Williams EC, et al
    Prevalence of substance use and substance-related disorders among US Veterans Health Administration patients.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;225:108791.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  208. DEMIGUEL V, Laporal S, Quatremere G, Barry Y, et al
    The frequency of severe Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in the neonatal period using data from the French hospital discharge database between 2006 and 2013.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;225:108748.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  209. LEE MR, Abshire KM, Farokhnia M, Akhlaghi F, et al
    Effect of oral alcohol administration on plasma cytokine concentrations in heavy drinking individuals.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;225:108771.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  210. KRANZLER HR, Hartwell EE, Feinn R, Pond T, et al
    Combined analysis of the moderating effect of a GRIK1 polymorphism on the effects of topiramate for treating alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;225:108762.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Between- and within-group effects of alcohol and cannabis co-use on AUD/CUD in the NSDUH 2002-2019.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;225:108768.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  212. GREENE N, Johnson RM, Rosen J, German D, et al
    Exploring the relationship between the alcohol policy environment and nondiscrimination laws: Implications for binge drinking disparities among LGB adults in the United States.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;225:108749.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    July 2021
  213. CASE P, Angus C, De Vocht F, Holmes J, et al
    Has the increased participation in the national campaign 'Dry January' been associated with cutting down alcohol consumption in England?
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;227:108938.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  214. LUNDIN A, Waern M, Love J, Lovestad S, et al
    Towards ICD-11 for alcohol dependence: Diagnostic agreement with ICD-10, DSM-5, DSM-IV, DSM-III-R and DSM-III diagnoses in a Swedish general population of women.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;227:108925.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  215. YONEK JC, Meacham MC, Shumway M, Tolou-Shams M, et al
    Smoking reduction is associated with lower alcohol consumption and depressive symptoms among young adults over one year.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;227:108922.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  216. CARRAZANA RIVERA A, De Santis M
    Socioeconomic inequalities in alcohol consumption in Argentina: Comparative analysis from 2009, 2013, and 2018.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;227:108942.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  217. IRIZAR P, Jones A, Christiansen P, Goodwin L, et al
    Longitudinal associations with alcohol consumption during the first COVID-19 lockdown: Associations with mood, drinking motives, context of drinking, and mental health.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;226:108913.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  218. OLSON KL, Whitley P, Velasco J, LaRue L, et al
    Seasonal and Regional Influences on Alcohol Consumption: An Analysis of Near-Real-Time Urine Drug Test Results in Those Seeking Health Care.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;227:108908.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  219. CAVICCHIOLI M, Calesella F, Cazzetta S, Mariagrazia M, et al
    Investigating predictive factors of dialectical behavior therapy skills training efficacy for alcohol and concurrent substance use disorders: A machine learning study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;224:108723.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  220. SZABO A, Towers A, Newcombe D, Sheridan J, et al
    Alcohol use trajectories across the life course: Influences of childhood predictors and consequences for late-life health.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;224:108713.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  221. LI G, Chen Y, Le TM, Zhornitsky S, et al
    Perceived friendship and binge drinking in young adults: A study of the Human Connectome Project data.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;224:108731.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    June 2021
    Relevance of the dual systems model for predicting drug/alcohol dependence in early adulthood among previously adjudicated young adults.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;226:108876.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  223. FAROKHNIA M, Murphy G, Weinstein SJ, Shah NN, et al
    A population-based investigation of the association between alcohol intake and serum total ghrelin concentrations among cigarette-smoking, non-alcohol-dependent male individuals.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;226:108835.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  224. DALY FP, O'Donnell K, Davoren MP, Noone C, et al
    Potential alcohol use disorder among MSM in Ireland - Findings from the European MSM internet survey (EMIS 2017).
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;223:108698.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  225. SANTA ANA EJ, LaRowe SD, Gebregziabher M, Morgan-Lopez AA, et al
    Randomized controlled trial of group motivational interviewing for veterans with substance use disorders.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;223:108716.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  226. TIET QQ, Moos RH
    Strong associations among PTSD, pain, and alcohol and drug use disorders in VA primary care patients.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;223:108699.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    May 2021
  227. LEGGAT G, Livingston M, Kuntsche S, Callinan S, et al
    Changes in alcohol consumption during pregnancy and over the transition towards parenthood.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;225:108745.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  228. SINGH JA
    Factors associated with healthcare utilization and mortality in alcohol use disorder hospitalization.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;222:108653.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    April 2021
  229. ROBINS JE, Morley KI, Hayes RD, Ross KR, et al
    Alcohol dependence and heavy episodic drinking are associated with different levels of risk of death or repeat emergency service attendance after a suicide attempt.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;224:108725.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  230. VALENTE JY, Sohi I, Garcia-Cerde R, Monteiro MG, et al
    What is associated with the increased frequency of heavy episodic drinking during the COVID-19 pandemic? Data from the PAHO regional web-based survey.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108621.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  231. NIETO SJ, Grodin EN, Green R, Ray LA, et al
    Evaluation of the Addictions Neuroclinical Assessment (ANA) framework through deep phenotyping of problem drinkers.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108603.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  232. KELLY PJ, Baker AL, Deane FP, Callister R, et al
    Healthy recovery: A stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial of a healthy lifestyle intervention for people attending residential alcohol and other drug treatment.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108557.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  233. HELL ME, Miller WR, Nielsen B, Mejldal A, et al
    The impact of free choice in alcohol treatment. Primary outcomes of the self-match study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108587.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  234. KLINE AC, Panza KE, Harle KM, Angkaw AC, et al
    Within-treatment clinical markers of dropout risk in integrated treatments for comorbid PTSD and alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108592.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  235. HANEY M, Rubin E, Denson RK, Foltin RW, et al
    Modafinil reduces smoked cocaine self-administration in humans: effects vary as a function of cocaine 'priming' and cost.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108554.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  236. CHAN E, Catabay CJ, Campbell JC, Rudolph AE, et al
    Feminine gender norms and syndemic harmful drinking, sexual violence, and sexually transmitted infections among Black women at risk for HIV.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108566.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  237. WITTENBERG E, Barbosa C, Hein R, Hudson E, et al
    Health-related quality of life of alcohol use disorder with co-occurring conditions in the US population.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108558.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  238. LIVINGSTON NA, Simpson T, Lehavot K, Ameral V, et al
    Differential alcohol treatment response by gender following use of VetChange.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108552.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  239. TAKEMOTO E, Giesinger I, Russell JS, Li J, et al
    Association between post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol-related hospitalizations among World Trade Center Health Registry enrollees.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108656.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  240. FAULKNER ML, Momenan R, Leggio L
    A neuroimaging investigation into the role of peripheral metabolic biomarkers in the anticipation of reward in alcohol use.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108638.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  241. TRELOAR PADOVANO H, Miranda R Jr
    How adolescents' working memory abilities relate to their alcohol craving in real-life contexts depends on biological sex.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108642.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  242. GRAY JC, Larson MJ, Moresco N, Ritter GA, et al
    The association of engagement in substance use treatment with negative separation from the military among soldiers with post-deployment alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108647.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  243. MCCUTCHEON VV, Bucholz KK, Houston-Ludlam AN, Waldron M, et al
    Timing of mortality in mothers with recurrent convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol and their children, from childbirth to child age 17.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108620.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  244. SANCHEZ-ROIGE S, Cox NJ, Johnson EO, Hancock DB, et al
    Alcohol and cigarette smoking consumption as genetic proxies for alcohol misuse and nicotine dependence.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108612.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    March 2021
  245. ABDELLAOUI A, Smit DJA, van den Brink W, Denys D, et al
    Genomic relationships across psychiatric disorders including substance use disorders.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;220:108535.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  246. FULTZ EK, Coelho MA, Lieberman D, Jimenez-Chavez CL, et al
    Hnrnph1 is a novel regulator of alcohol reward.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;220:108518.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  247. JAMIESON S, Dowrick C
    Comparing public perceptions of substance addictions and behavioural addictions.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;220:108472.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  248. HALLGREN M, Vancampfort D, Hoang MT, Andersson V, et al
    Effects of acute exercise on craving, mood and anxiety in non-treatment seeking adults with alcohol use disorder: An exploratory study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;220:108506.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  249. HONNORAT N, Saranathan M, Sullivan EV, Pfefferbaum A, et al
    Performance ramifications of abnormal functional connectivity of ventral posterior lateral thalamus with cerebellum in abstinent individuals with Alcohol Use Disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;220:108509.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    February 2021
  250. ANJOS TGD, Carvalho DSB, Machado AC, Carvalho MDSL, et al
    Associated factors to abusive alcoholic beverage consumption in suicide victims.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108613.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  251. CHAN B, Freeman M, Ayers C, Korthuis P, et al
    Drug and Alcohol Dependence response to KK-21-1460 "Considering rationales for use in defining subgroups for the treatment of stimulant use disorder".
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021 Feb 4:108571. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108571.

  252. VISONTAY R, Mewton L, Sunderland M, Prior K, et al
    Corrigendum to "Changes over time in young adults' harmful alcohol consumption: A cross-temporal meta-analysis using the AUDIT" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 214 (2020) 108172].
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108551.

  253. CHEN VC, Lee MJ, Yang YH, Lu ML, et al
    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors use and hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;219:108495.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  254. KELLY JF, Greene MC, Abry A, Bergman BG, et al
    Independent effects of entering recovery as a young versus older adult on long-term functioning and quality of life: Results from a U.S. national study of recovering persons.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;219:108493.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  255. PUDDEPHATT JA, Jones A, Gage SH, Fear NT, et al
    Associations of alcohol use, mental health and socioeconomic status in England: Findings from a representative population survey.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;219:108463.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  256. POPOVA S, Temple V, Dozet D, O'Hanlon G, et al
    Health, social and legal outcomes of individuals with diagnosed or at risk for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: Canadian example.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;219:108487.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    January 2021
  257. FACAL F, Florez G, Blanco V, Rodriguez J, et al
    Genetic predisposition to alcohol dependence: The combined role of polygenic risk to general psychopathology and to high alcohol consumption.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;221:108556.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  258. PRIBEK IK, Kovacs I, Kadar BK, Kovacs CS, et al
    Evaluation of the course and treatment of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome with the Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol - Revised: A systematic review-based meta-analysis.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;220:108536.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  259. THIEBAUD PC, Martin C, Naouri D, Le Joncour A, et al
    Alcohol consumption among French physicians: A cross-sectional study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;218:108356.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  260. GRYCZYNSKI J, Mitchell SG, Schwartz RP, Dusek K, et al
    Computer- vs. nurse practitioner-delivered brief intervention for adolescent marijuana, alcohol, and sex risk behaviors in school-based health centers.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;218:108423.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  261. LISKOLA J, Haravuori H, Lindberg N, Kiviruusu O, et al
    The predictive capacity of AUDIT and AUDIT-C among adolescents in a one-year follow-up study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;218:108424.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  262. KLIMKIEWICZ A, Jakubczyk A, Mach A, Abramowska M, et al
    Psychometric properties of the polish version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT).
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;218:108427.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  263. PABON E, Crane NA, Radoman M, Weafer J, et al
    Neural activation during anticipation of monetary gain or loss does not associate with positive subjective response to alcohol in binge drinkers.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;218:108432.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  264. JANUSZKO P, Gmaj B, Piotrowski T, Kopera M, et al
    Delta resting-state functional connectivity in the cognitive control network as a prognostic factor for maintaining abstinence: An eLORETA preliminary study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;218:108393.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  265. BURNETTE EM, Grodin EN, Ghahremani DG, Galvan A, et al
    Diminished cortical response to risk and loss during risky decision making in alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;218:108391.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  266. NIETO SJ, Green R, Grodin EN, Cahill CM, et al
    Pain catastrophizing predicts alcohol craving in heavy drinkers independent of pain intensity.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;218:108368.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  267. DACOSTA-SANCHEZ D, Gonzalez-Ponce BM, Fernandez-Calderon F, Rojas-Tejada AJ, et al
    Profiles of patients with cocaine and alcohol use disorder based on cognitive domains and their relationship with relapse.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;218:108349.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  268. EASTWOOD B, Clare T, Dockrell MJ, Locker J, et al
    Reciprocal influences of tobacco use on illicit opioid and alcohol use during the first six-months of specialist addiction treatment.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;218:108418.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  269. CHANDLER-MATHER N, Occhipinti S, Donovan C, Shelton D, et al
    An investigation of the link between prenatal alcohol exposure and sleep problems across childhood.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;218:108412.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  270. MAY PA, Marais AS, De Vries MM, Buckley D, et al
    The prevalence, child characteristics, and maternal risk factors for the continuum of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: A sixth population-based study in the same South African community.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;218:108408.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  271. ANTON-TORO LF, Bruna R, Suarez-Mendez I, Correas A, et al
    Abnormal organization of inhibitory control functional networks in future binge drinkers.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021;218:108401.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    December 2020
  272. DUKO B, Pereira G, Betts K, Tait RJ, et al
    Associations of prenatal alcohol exposure and offspring harmful alcohol use: findings from the Raine Study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;217:108305.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  273. HU L, Oden N, Tai B, VanVeldhuisen P, et al
    Prevalence of obesity among U.S. population with substance dependence.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;217:108293.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  274. KOPERA M, Zaorska J, Trucco EM, Suszek H, et al
    Childhood trauma, alexithymia, and mental states recognition among individuals with alcohol use disorder and healthy controls.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;217:108301.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  275. CALLAGHAN RC, Sanches M, Kish SJ
    Quantity and frequency of cannabis use in relation to cannabis-use disorder and cannabis-related problems.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;217:108271.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  276. MCGINNIS KA, Skanderson M, Edelman EJ, Gordon AJ, et al
    Impact of behavioral and medication treatment for alcohol use disorder on changes in HIV-related outcomes among patients with HIV: A longitudinal analysis.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;217:108272.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  277. SCHUCKIT MA, Clarke DF, Smith TL, Mendoza LA, et al
    Characteristics associated with denial of problem drinking among two generations of individuals with alcohol use disorders.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;217:108274.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  278. WYNN A, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Davis E, le Roux I, et al
    Identifying fetal alcohol spectrum disorder among South African children at aged 1 and 5 years.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;217:108266.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  279. STAMATES AL, Lau-Barraco C
    Momentary patterns of impulsivity and alcohol use: A cause or consequence?
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;217:108246.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    November 2020
  280. CARPENTER RW, Merrill JE
    How much and how fast: Alcohol consumption patterns, drinking-episode affect, and next-day consequences in the daily life of underage heavy drinkers.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020 Nov 14:108407. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108407.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  281. CHANG CC, Chang KC, Hou WL, Yen CF, et al
    Measurement invariance and psychometric properties of Perceived Stigma toward People who use Substances (PSPS) among three types of substance use disorders: Heroin, amphetamine, and alcohol.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;216:108319.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  282. GLASS JE, Williams EC, Oh H
    Racial/ethnic discrimination and alcohol use disorder severity among United States adults.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;216:108203.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  283. HARTWELL M, Naberhaus B, Arnhart C, Ottwell R, et al
    The use of person-centered language in scientific research articles focusing on alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;216:108209.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  284. MEREDITH LR, Lim AC, Ray LA
    Neurocognitive performance in alcohol use disorder using the NIH toolbox: Role of severity and sex differences.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;216:108269.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    Relevance of routine activities for understanding the impact of the dual systems model on binge drinking among college students.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;216:108233.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  286. FUSTER D, Garcia-Calvo X, Bolao F, Zuluaga P, et al
    Cannabis use is associated with monocyte activation (sCD163) in patients admitted for alcohol use disorder treatment.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;216:108231.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    October 2020
  287. PASMAN JA, Smit DJA, Kingma L, Vink JM, et al
    Corrigendum to "Causal relationships between substance use and insomnia" [Drug Alcohol Dependence 214 (2020) 108151].
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;216:108313.

  288. MAHDI I, Tomedi LE, Gerrard CY, Lathrop S, et al
    Excessive alcohol use and drug overdose deaths, New Mexico, 2015-2016.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;215:108175.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  289. AIKEN A, Clare PJ, Boland VC, Degenhardt L, et al
    Parental supply of sips and whole drinks of alcohol to adolescents and associations with binge drinking and alcohol-related harms: A prospective cohort study.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;215:108204.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  290. NGUYEN MX, Dowdy D, Latkin CA, Hutton HE, et al
    Social support modifies the association between hazardous drinking and depression symptoms among ART clients in Vietnam.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;215:108249.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  291. HUMPHREYS K, Barreto NB, Alessi SM, Carroll KM, et al
    Impact of 12 step mutual help groups on drug use disorder patients across six clinical trials.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;215:108213.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  292. RUIZ-LEYVA L, Salguero A, Moron I, Portillo-Salido E, et al
    Sigma-1 antagonism inhibits binge ethanol drinking at adolescence.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;215:108214.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  293. KCOMT L, Evans-Polce RJ, Boyd CJ, McCabe SE, et al
    Association of transphobic discrimination and alcohol misuse among transgender adults: Results from the U.S. Transgender Survey.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;215:108223.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  294. CARREIRO S, Newcomb M, Leach R, Ostrowski S, et al
    Current reporting of usability and impact of mHealth interventions for substance use disorder: A systematic review.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;215:108201.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    September 2020
  295. SAHA TD, Chou SP, Grant BF
    The performance of DSM-5 alcohol use disorder and quantity-frequency of alcohol consumption criteria: An item response theory analysis.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;216:108299.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  296. VILLALONGA-OLIVES E, Almansa J, Shaya F, Kawachi I, et al
    Perceived social capital and binge drinking in older adults: The Health and Retirement Study, US data from 2006-2014.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;214:108099.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  297. LEES B, Mewton L, Stapinski LA, Teesson M, et al
    Association of prenatal alcohol exposure with preadolescent alcohol sipping in the ABCD study(R).
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;214:108187.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  298. RITTENBERG A, Hines AL, Alvanzo AAH, Chander G, et al
    Correlates of alcohol use disorder pharmacotherapy receipt in medically insured patients.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;214:108174.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  299. PENNINGTON DL, Bielenberg J, Lasher B, Herbst E, et al
    A randomized pilot trial of topiramate for alcohol use disorder in veterans with traumatic brain injury: Effects on alcohol use, cognition, and post-concussive symptoms.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;214:108149.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  300. JONES CM, Noonan RK, Compton WM
    Prevalence and correlates of ever having a substance use problem and substance use recovery status among adults in the United States, 2018.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;214:108169.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  301. GRAY JC, Murphy M, Leggio L
    Leveraging genetic data to investigate molecular targets and drug repurposing candidates for treating alcohol use disorder and hepatotoxicity.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;214:108155.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  302. PASMAN JA, Smit DJA, Kingma L, Vink JM, et al
    Causal relationships between substance use and insomnia.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;214:108151.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    July 2020
  303. MUNN-CHERNOFF MA, Few LR, Matherne CE, Baker JH, et al
    Eating disorders in a community-based sample of women with alcohol use disorder and nicotine dependence.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;212:107981.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  304. SOKOLOVSKY AW, Gunn RL, Micalizzi L, White HR, et al
    Alcohol and marijuana co-use: Consequences, subjective intoxication, and the operationalization of simultaneous use.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;212:107986.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  305. CAVICCHIOLI M, Vassena G, Movalli M, Maffei C, et al
    Is craving a risk factor for substance use among treatment-seeking individuals with alcohol and other drugs use disorders? A meta-analytic review.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;212:108002.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  306. MCKETTA SC, Keyes KM
    Trends in U.S. women's binge drinking in middle adulthood by socioeconomic status, 2006-2018.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;212:108026.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  307. DONG H, Hayashi K, Milloy MJ, DeBeck K, et al
    Changes in substance use in relation to opioid agonist therapy among people who use drugs in a Canadian setting.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;212:108005.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    June 2020
  308. MILLER MB, DiBello AM, Merrill JE, Neighbors C, et al
    The role of alcohol-induced blackouts in symptoms of depression among young adults.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;211:108027.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    May 2020
  309. WEIGARD AS, Hardee JE, Zucker RA, Heitzeg MM, et al
    The role of pubertal timing in the link between family history of alcohol use disorder and late adolescent substance use.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;210:107955.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    April 2020
  310. D'AGOSTINO AR, Brown J, Fillmore MT
    Redundant visual signals reduce the intensity of alcohol impairment.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;209:107945.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  311. EINIO E, Hiltunen E, Martikainen P, Korhonen K, et al
    Men's age at first birth and alcohol-related morbidity and mortality among siblings.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;209:107942.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  312. CRUZ JV, Maba IK, Correia D, Kaziuk FD, et al
    Intermittent binge-like ethanol exposure during adolescence attenuates the febrile response by reducing brown adipose tissue thermogenesis in rats.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;209:107904.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  313. CARBIA C, Corral M, Caamano-Isorna F, Cadaveira F, et al
    Emotional memory bias in binge drinking women.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;209:107888.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  314. COLVONEN PJ, Straus LD, Drummond SPA, Angkaw AC, et al
    Examining sleep over time in a randomized control trial comparing two integrated PTSD and alcohol use disorder treatments.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;209:107905.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  315. JANAKIRAMAN R, Gowin JL, Sloan ME, Schwandt ML, et al
    History of suicidality and alcohol craving trajectories during inpatient treatment for alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;209:107918.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  316. HUA JPY, Piasecki TM, McDowell YE, Boness CL, et al
    Alcohol use in young adults associated with cortical gyrification.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;209:107925.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    March 2020
  317. VASSAR M, Pollard J, Rorah D, Jellison S, et al
    Assessment of the completeness of intervention reporting of randomized clinical trials for alcohol use disorders: Effect of the TIDieR checklist and guide.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;208:107824.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  318. LIBARINO-SANTOS M, de Santana Santos ACG, Cata-Preta EG, Barros-Santos T, et al
    Role of the treatment environment in the effects of aripiprazole on ethanol-induced behavioral sensitization and conditioned place preference in female mice.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;208:107856.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    February 2020
  319. WINDLE M
    Sex differences in substance use from adolescence to young adulthood: Tests of increases in emergent adulthood and maturing out in later young adulthood.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;207:107813.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  320. YI S, Chann N, Chhoun P, Tuot S, et al
    Social marginalization, gender-based violence, and binge drinking among transgender women in Cambodia.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;207:107802.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    January 2020
  321. LIPIRA L, Rao D, Nevin PE, Kemp CG, et al
    Patterns of alcohol use and associated characteristics and HIV-related outcomes among a sample of African-American women living with HIV.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;206:107753.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  322. LYNN E, Cousins G, Lyons S, Bennett KE, et al
    A repeated cross-sectional study of factors associated with pregabalin-positive poisoning deaths in Ireland.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;206:107741.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  323. QATO DM, Zhang C, Gandhi AB, Simoni-Wastila L, et al
    Co-use of alcohol, tobacco, and licit and illicit controlled substances among pregnant and non-pregnant women in the United States: Findings from 2006 to 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) data.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;206:107729.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  324. GORKA SM
    Interpersonal trauma exposure and startle reactivity to uncertain threat in individuals with alcohol use disorder.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;206:107727.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  325. KRIIKKU P, Ojanpera I
    Significant decrease in the rate of fatal alcohol poisonings in Finland validated by blood alcohol concentration statistics.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;206:107722.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  326. WATERS AB, Sawyer KS, Gansler DA
    White matter connectometry among individuals with self-reported family history of drug and alcohol use disorders.
    Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020;206:107710.
    PubMed     Abstract available

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