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By B. S. Kamps et al.


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3 Am J Trop Med Hyg
1 Int J Parasitol
2 J Infect Dis
1 J Travel Med
7 Malar J
1 PLoS One
1 PLoS Pathog
1 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
4 Science
1 Trends Parasitol
1 Trop Med Int Health

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Single Articles

    Am J Trop Med Hyg

  1. RAVISHANKARAN S, Asokan A, Justin NAJA, Surya R J, et al
    Influence of Household Roof Types on the Development of Plasmodium vivax in Anopheles stephensi Mosquitoes.
    Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2024;112:286-295.
    PubMed         Abstract available

    Splenic Modulation of Plasmodium vivax Relapses and Hypnozoite Activation during the Second World War?
    Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2024;112:247-249.
    PubMed         Abstract available

  3. PRASERTBUN R, Mori H, Hadano Y, Mahittikorn A, et al
    Epidemiological Changes in Acute Febrile Diseases after the COVID-19 Pandemic in Thailand.
    Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2024;112:414-421.
    PubMed         Abstract available


    Malaria: African leaders pledge to tackle funding gap amid uncertainty over foreign aid.
    BMJ. 2025;388:r271.

    Int J Parasitol

  5. CEBRIAN-CAMISON S, Martinez-de la Puente J, Ruiz-Lopez MJ, Figuerola J, et al
    Do specialist and generalist parasites differ in their prevalence and intensity of infection? A test of the niche breadth and trade-off hypotheses.
    Int J Parasitol. 2025;55:129-136.
    PubMed         Abstract available

    J Infect Dis

  6. WERNSMAN YOUNG N, Gashema P, Giesbrecht D, Munyaneza T, et al
    High Frequency of Artemisinin Partial Resistance Mutations in the Great Lakes Region Revealed Through Rapid Pooled Deep Sequencing.
    J Infect Dis. 2025;231:269-280.
    PubMed         Abstract available

  7. KARIUKI SN, Gilchrist JJ, Uyoga S, Macharia A, et al
    Relation Between the Dantu Blood Group Variant and Bacteremia in Kenyan Children: A Population-Based Case-Control Study.
    J Infect Dis. 2025;231:e10-e16.
    PubMed         Abstract available

    J Travel Med

  8. OLIVEIRA R, Nurnberg M, Bardtke L, van Loon W, et al
    Artemether-lumefantrine resistant falciparum malaria imported from Uganda.
    J Travel Med. 2025 Feb 6:taaf013. doi: 10.1093.

    Malar J

  9. KESSY EJ, Olotu AI
    Controlled human malaria infection: overview and potential application in the evaluation of transmission-blocking interventions in malaria-endemic areas.
    Malar J. 2025;24:33.
    PubMed         Abstract available

  10. NUSSBAUM L, Ortega E, Rios Lopez EJ, Vizcarra AS, et al
    Voices from the Amazon: exploring implementor and user perceptions of non-invasive malaria diagnostics in Peru.
    Malar J. 2025;24:32.
    PubMed         Abstract available

  11. LISSENDEN N, Bradley J, Menze B, Wondji C, et al
    Meta-analysis on the entomological effects of differentially treated ITNs in a multi-site experimental hut study in sub-Saharan Africa.
    Malar J. 2025;24:34.
    PubMed         Abstract available

  12. MWINGIRA F, Matiya D, Chacky F
    Knowledge and willingness towards malaria vaccines among caregivers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
    Malar J. 2025;24:35.
    PubMed         Abstract available

  13. ADIGWE OP, Onavbavba G
    Acceptance and affordability of malaria vaccines: issues relating to hesitancy and willingness to pay amongst Nigerian parents of under-five children.
    Malar J. 2025;24:36.
    PubMed         Abstract available

  14. NAMAYANJA C, Paasi G, Alunyo JP, Amorut D, et al
    Epidemiology, clinical spectrum, and outcomes of severe malaria in Eastern Uganda: a prospective study.
    Malar J. 2025;24:37.
    PubMed         Abstract available

  15. OKONGO B, Asiimwe D, Olong C, Muwanguzi E, et al
    Prevalence of malaria and associated factors among febrile children under 15 years at Bududa General Hospital, Eastern Uganda.
    Malar J. 2025;24:38.
    PubMed         Abstract available

    PLoS One

  16. MWABA C, Munsaka S, Mwakazanga D, Rutagwerae D, et al
    Clinical, immune and genetic risk factors of malaria-associated acute kidney injury in Zambian children: A study protocol.
    PLoS One. 2025;20:e0316205.
    PubMed         Abstract available

    PLoS Pathog

  17. TAN MH, Tiedje KE, Feng Q, Zhan Q, et al
    A paradoxical population structure of var DBLalpha types in Africa.
    PLoS Pathog. 2025;21:e1012813.
    PubMed         Abstract available

    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A

  18. HENTZSCHEL F, Binder AM, Dorner LP, Herzel L, et al
    Microtubule inner proteins of Plasmodium are essential for transmission of malaria parasites.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2025;122:e2421737122.
    PubMed         Abstract available


    Indonesia's new capital poses public health risks.
    Science. 2025;387:568-569.
    PubMed         Abstract available

  20. ELSWORTH B, Ye S, Dass S, Tennessen JA, et al
    The essential genome of Plasmodium knowlesi reveals determinants of antimalarial susceptibility.
    Science. 2025;387:eadq6241.
    PubMed         Abstract available

  21. OBERSTALLER J, Xu S, Naskar D, Zhang M, et al
    Supersaturation mutagenesis reveals adaptive rewiring of essential genes among malaria parasites.
    Science. 2025;387:eadq7347.
    PubMed         Abstract available

  22. MOON RW, Bushell ESC
    Not just monkey business.
    Science. 2025;387:582-583.
    PubMed         Abstract available

    Trends Parasitol

  23. PRAJAPATI SK, Williamson KC
    Genome-scale, functional screen of Plasmodium sexual replication.
    Trends Parasitol. 2025;41:80-82.
    PubMed         Abstract available

    Trop Med Int Health

  24. OSHAGHI MA, Abbasi M, Hanafi-Bojd AA
    Host preference of Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes for blood feeding in south of Iran: Insights from Multiplex-PCR analysis.
    Trop Med Int Health. 2025;30:125-134.
    PubMed         Abstract available

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