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The 20K Word Road to Mandarin Proficiency

By B. S. Kamps et al.

  Multiple Sclerosis

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Articles published in J Neurosci

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    June 2024
  1. ETXEBERRIA A, Shen YA, Vito S, Silverman S, et al
    Neutral or detrimental effects of TREM2 agonist antibodies in preclinical models of Alzheimer's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis.
    J Neurosci. 2024 Jun 3:e2347232024. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2347-23.2024.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    May 2023
  2. XUE S, Lozinski BM, Ghorbani S, Ta K, et al
    Elevated galectin-3 is associated with aging, multiple sclerosis, and oxidized phosphatidylcholine induced neurodegeneration.
    J Neurosci. 2023 May 17:JN-RM-2312-22. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2312-22.2023.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    October 2022
  3. SORRENTINO P, Petkoski S, Sparaco M, Troisi Lopez E, et al
    Whole-brain propagation delays in multiple sclerosis, a combined tractography - magnetoencephalography study.
    J Neurosci. 2022 Oct 10. pii: JNEUROSCI.0938-22.2022.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    August 2022
  4. FEINBERG PA, Becker SC, Chung L, Ferrari L, et al
    Elevated TNF-alpha Leads to Neural Circuit Instability in the Absence of Interferon Regulatory Factor 8.
    J Neurosci. 2022;42:6171-6185.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  5. ROCZKOWSKY A, Doan MAL, Hlavay B, Mamik MK, et al
    Peroxisome injury in multiple sclerosis: protective effects of 4-phenylbutyrate in CNS-associated macrophages.
    J Neurosci. 2022 Aug 8. pii: JNEUROSCI.0312-22.2022.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    August 2020
  6. LEI Z, Yue Y, Stone S, Wu S, et al
    NF-kappaB Activation Accounts for the Cytoprotective Effects of PERK Activation on Oligodendrocytes during EAE.
    J Neurosci. 2020;40:6444-6456.
    PubMed     Abstract available

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