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By B. S. Kamps et al.


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Articles published in Psychol Addict Behav

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    November 2024
  1. POWERS JM, Maloney SF, Sharma E, Stroud LR, et al
    Use and co-use of tobacco and cannabis before, during, and after pregnancy: A longitudinal analysis of waves 1-5 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2024;38:785-795.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  2. PANG RD, Schuler LA, Blosnich JR, Allem JP, et al
    Effects of cannabis use on cigarette smoking cessation in LGBTQ+ individuals.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2024;38:796-804.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  3. GOERING M, McMahan K, Mrug S
    Concurrent and long-term effects of early pubertal timing on alcohol, cigarette, and cannabis use from adolescence to adulthood.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2024;38:772-784.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    May 2024
  4. BENSON L, Chen M, De La Torre I, Hebert ET, et al
    Associations between morning affect and later-day smoking urges and behavior.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2024;38:277-295.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  5. CUI Y, Robinson JD, Kypriotakis G, Minnix JA, et al
    Comparable cigarette consumption data collected using timeline follow-back and digital diary among treatment-seeking smokers.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2024;38:315-322.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    March 2024
  6. KOCK LS, Melbostad HS, Heil SH
    Prevalence of psychosocial issues among pregnant women who do and do not use illicit substances.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2024;38:205-210.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    February 2024
  7. WEBB HOOPER M, Lee DJ, Simmons VN, Brandon KO, et al
    Cognitive behavioral therapy versus general health education for smoking cessation: A randomized controlled trial among diverse treatment seekers.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2024;38:124-133.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    December 2023
  8. LITT DM, Zhou Z, Fairlie AM, King KM, et al
    Daily level examination indicates that positive affect, but not negative affect, is associated with alcohol and marijuana use among adolescents and young adults.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2023;37:1030-1038.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  9. DIGUISEPPI GT, Dunbar MS, Tucker JS, Rodriguez A, et al
    Examining indirect effects of advertising exposure on young adults' cannabis and nicotine vaping.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2023;37:996-1005.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    November 2023
  10. ROOS CR, Harp NR, Vafaie N, Gueorguieva R, et al
    Randomized trial of mindfulness- and reappraisal-based regulation of craving training among daily cigarette smokers.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2023;37:829-840.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    September 2023
  11. DICKTER CL, Forestell CA
    Effect of parental smoking behavior and motives on preadolescents' neural attention to smoking-related cues.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2023;37:785-795.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    May 2023
  12. LAROWE LR, Dunsiger SI, Williams DM
    Acute exercise-induced changes in motivation and behavioral expectation for quitting smoking as predictors of smoking behavior in women.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2023;37:475-482.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    December 2022
  13. YANG MJ, Brandon KO, Sutton SK, Kleinjan M, et al
    Augmented reality for extinction of cue-provoked urges to smoke: Proof of concept.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2022;36:990-998.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  14. JOHNSON AL, Schlam TR, Baker TB, Piper ME, et al
    Understanding what changes adults in a smoking cessation study believe they need to make to quit smoking: A qualitative analysis of pre- and post-quit perceptions.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2022;36:982-989.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  15. SHAMBLEN SR, Abadi MH, Thompson KT, Lipperman-Kreda S, et al
    Daily variation in the patterns and characteristics of adolescent ENDS use.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2022;36:972-981.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  16. SO J
    Counterproductive effects of overfamiliar antitobacco messages on smoking cessation intentions via message fatigue and resistance to persuasion.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2022;36:931-941.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  17. WYCOFF AM, Motschman CA, Griffin SA, Helle AC, et al
    Simultaneous use of alcohol and cigarettes in a mixed psychiatric sample: Daily-life associations with smoking motives, craving, stimulation, sedation, and affect.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2022;36:942-954.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    November 2022
  18. ROBINSON JD, Cui Y, Linares Abrego P, Engelmann JM, et al
    Sustained reduction of attentional bias to smoking cues by smartphone-delivered attentional bias modification training for smokers.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2022;36:906-919.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    August 2022
  19. GARCIA-PEREZ A, Aonso-Diego G, Weidberg S, Gonzalez-Roz A, et al
    Reinforcer pathology predicts relapse in smokers.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2022;36:565-571.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    June 2022
  20. PATRICK ME, Ramirez JJ, Cadigan JM, Graupensperger S, et al
    Examining daily associations between mental health symptoms and simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use and consequences among young adults.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2022;36:410-418.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    March 2022
  21. NALVEN T, Schick MR, Spillane NS, Quaresma SL, et al
    Marijuana use and intentions among American Indian adolescents: Perceived risks, benefits, and peer use.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2022;36:177-185.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    February 2022
  22. HOPKINS PD, Spears CA, Hoover DS, Li L, et al
    Trajectories of motivation and self-efficacy during a smoking quit attempt: An ecological momentary assessment study.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2022;36:78-89.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  23. WEINBERGER AH, Pang RD, Ferrer M, Kashan RS, et al
    A novel smoking-specific self-control task: An initial study of feasibility, acceptability, and changes in self-control and cigarette smoking behaviors among adults using cigarettes.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2022;36:28-38.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  24. PANG RD, Tucker CJ, D'Orazio LM, Weinberger AH, et al
    Affect and subjective cognitive functioning by depression symptom levels during naturalistic cigarette smoking in premenopausal females who smoke daily.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2022;36:90-99.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  25. PIPER ME, Baker TB, Mermelstein R, Benowitz N, et al
    Relations among cigarette dependence, e-cigarette dependence, and key dependence criteria among dual users of combustible and e-cigarettes.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2022;36:100-108.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    November 2021
  26. WEBB HOOPER M, Miller DB, Saldivar E, Mitchell C, et al
    Randomized controlled trial testing a video-text tobacco cessation intervention among economically disadvantaged African American adults.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2021;35:769-777.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  27. CATLEY D, Grobe J, Moreno JL, Stortz S, et al
    Differential mechanisms of change in motivational interviewing versus health education for smoking cessation induction.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2021;35:778-787.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  28. ASHARE RL, Wileyto EP, Logue-Chamberlain E, Gross R, et al
    Patterns of lapses and recoveries during a quit attempt using varenicline and behavioral counseling among smokers with and without HIV.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2021;35:788-796.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    September 2021
  29. LOOBY A, Prince MA, Villarosa-Hurlocker MC, Conner BT, et al
    Young adult use, dual use, and simultaneous use of alcohol and marijuana: An examination of differences across use status on marijuana use context, rates, and consequences.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2021;35:682-690.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  30. "I am what I am: A meta-analysis of the association between substance user identities and substance use-related outcomes." Correction to Montes and Pearson (2021).
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2021;35:748.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  31. FAIRLIE AM, Graupensperger S, Duckworth JC, Patrick ME, et al
    Unplanned versus planned simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use in relation to substance use and consequences: Results from a longitudinal daily study.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2021;35:712-722.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  32. JACKSON KM, Stevens AK, Sokolovsky AW, Hayes KL, et al
    Real-world simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use: An ecological study of situational motives and social and physical contexts.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2021;35:698-711.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  33. ITO TA, Cordova KA, Skrzynski CJ, Bryan A, et al
    Complementarity in daily marijuana and alcohol among emerging adults.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2021;35:723-736.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    August 2021
  34. WRIGHT M, Wickens CM, Di Ciano P, Sproule B, et al
    Sex differences in the acute pharmacological and subjective effects of smoked cannabis combined with alcohol in young adults.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2021;35:536-552.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  35. MANTEY DS, Onyinye ON, Montgomery L
    Prevalence and correlates of daily blunt use among U.S. African American, Hispanic, and White adults from 2014 to 2018.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2021;35:514-522.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    June 2021
  36. PAPP LM, Kouros CD
    Effect of COVID-19 disruptions on young adults' affect and substance use in daily life.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2021;35:391-401.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    May 2021
  37. MONTES KS, Pearson MR
    I am what I am: A meta-analysis of the association between substance user identities and substance use-related outcomes.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2021;35:231-246.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    March 2021
  38. BORGER TN, Puleo GE, Rivera Rivera JN, Montgomery D, et al
    A descriptive study of cervical cancer survivors' persistent smoking behavior and perceived barriers to quitting.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2021 Mar 25. pii: 2021-28515-001. doi: 10.1037/adb0000692.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  39. NGUYEN N, McQuoid J, Neilands TB, Dermody SS, et al
    Same-day use of cigarettes, alcohol, and cannabis among sexual minority and heterosexual young adult smokers.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2021;35:215-223.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  40. PEDERSEN ER, Tucker JS, Davis JP, Dunbar MS, et al
    Tobacco/nicotine and marijuana co-use motives in young adults: Associations with substance use behaviors one year later.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2021;35:133-147.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    February 2021
  41. ALEXANDER AC, Waring JJC, Hebert ET, Ra CK, et al
    Identifying mechanisms that link pain to smoking relapse during a quit attempt.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2021;35:52-61.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  42. STEVENS AK, Gunn RL, Jackson KM, Borsari B, et al
    Examining motivational pathways from adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms to cannabis use: Results from a prospective study of veterans.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2021;35:16-28.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    November 2020
  43. LEAVENS ELS, Smith TT, Natale N, Carpenter MJ, et al
    Electronic cigarette dependence and demand among pod mod users as a function of smoking status.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2020;34:804-810.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    September 2020
  44. KELLY ME, Guillot CR, Quinn EN, Lucke HR, et al
    Anxiety sensitivity in relation to cigarette smoking and other substance use in African American smokers.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2020;34:669-679.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    August 2020
  45. HERTEL AW, Sokolovsky AS, Mermelstein RJ
    An investigation of the relationship between identifying as a smoker and urges to smoke among young adult combustible cigarette smokers.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2020;34:590-600.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  46. EMERY NN, Carpenter RW, Treloar Padovano H, Miranda R, et al
    Why don't they stop? Understanding unplanned marijuana use among adolescents and young adults.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2020;34:579-589.
    PubMed     Abstract available

    March 2020
  47. PANG RD, Goldenson NI, Kirkpatrick M, Barrington-Trimis JL, et al
    Sex differences in the appeal of flavored e-cigarettes among young adult e-cigarette users.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2020;34:303-307.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  48. THRUL J, Meacham MC, Tice C, Kelly O, et al
    Live counselor contact in a Facebook intervention predicts smoking cessation outcomes.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2020;34:360-369.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  49. POWERS JM, LaRowe LR, Heckman BW, Ditre JW, et al
    Pain characteristics and nicotine deprivation as predictors of performance during a laboratory paradigm of smoking cessation.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2020;34:341-350.
    PubMed     Abstract available

  50. LOTFALIAN S, Spears CA, Juliano LM
    The effects of mindfulness-based yogic breathing on craving, affect, and smoking behavior.
    Psychol Addict Behav. 2020;34:351-359.
    PubMed     Abstract available

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